2018年 5月1日,2日にシリコンバレー(サンノゼ McEnery Convention Center)で開催されたFacebook最大のイベント「F8」にRouteXの代表がFacebook Developer Circle OsakaのLeadとして招待していただいたので、興奮と感動の「F8 2018」の様子を現地からお伝えします!!
Developer Circle Osakaについてはこちら

「F8 2018」期間中は気持ちいい晴天に恵まれており、開催都市シリコンバレー(サンノゼ McEnery Convention Center)は数日前から様々な所でF8を歓迎するムードがあり、街が一体となってF8の開催を楽しみにしています!!
今年の「F8 2018」でFacebook創業者のマーク・ザッカーバーグから語られる事は一体どんな事でしょうか?
特に注目が集まっているのは、ケンブリッジ・アナリティカの個人情報の問題(Facebookでのプライバシーについての管理)やFacebookの新機能、Instagram , Messenger , Oculus等についての発表です!
「F8」開催に先立って、4月30日に行われた前夜祭 「F8 Diversity Happy Hour」の様子からお伝えします!



そして、5月1日、いよいよ「F8 2018」の開催です!!


「F8 2018 Day 1 Schedule」
8:00 Registration
10:00 Keynote
11:30 Lunch
13:00 Build Fast and Flexible Lists with IGListKit
The Year Ahead in VR
Gaming Communities and the Games SDK: Unlocking the Virtuous Cycle
Security at Facebook Scale
Solutions Explorer: A Directory of Marketing
Solution Providers
Be More Productive with Facebook Analytics
Video and News Track Welcome
13:05 From Consumption to Connection
13:25 Authenticity and Quality in News Feed
Jest – Delightful JavaScript Testing
13:30 New Integrations for Workplace
The Instagram Graph API – What’s In It For You?
Oculus Go: Designing for Media and Entertainment
Bidding and Why You Should Care
14:00 Build Great Experiences on Messenger
Instant Games and the Future of Mobile Gaming
Codeless Events Setup
AR for Everyone
14:05 Building a Technology Ecosystem in India
14:20 Using Technology to Solve Social and Environmental Issues
14:30 Bringing People Together Through Video
Using Natural Language Processing to Enhance Your Messenger
Conversations Building Integrations for Workplace
Updates to Facebook App Ads
14:35 Building and Leading a Developer Community in Indonesia as a Woman in Tech
Anne is an Engineering Manager at Bukalapak, founded Female Geek and is now leading DevC Jakarta. Anne will share her experiences as a woman in tech and how DevC empowers more women to enter and contribute to developer communities.
14:50 Amplifying Youth Voices to Influence Policy and Change
15:00 Type-Checked Python at Instagram
Augmenting Brand Experiences on Messenger
Spotlight on the Marketing API: The Value of Creative
Beyond Sessions – Understanding Customer Journeys With Facebook Analytics
15:05 Insight Into How to Build Global Electronic Commerce
15:25 Build and Grow Your
Video Business Facebook SDK – How to Set it Up?
15:30 Growth Marketing: Best Practices for Getting and Keeping an Audience
Engineering Secure Products at Facebook
The Future of Immersive Video Capture: RED and Facebook 360
Messenger for Businesses
16:00 Cassandra on RocksDB at Instagram
Succeed with Messenger
How Stories Ads and Business Profiles Help Grow Your Business on Instagram
Duckling: An Overview of the Open Source Probabilistic Parser
16:05 Helping High Quality News Thrive on Facebook
16:30 3 Questions That Can Change How Products Get Made
Building Meaningful Communities with Facebook Groups
17:00 Friction-Free Fault-Finding with Sapienz
Build Stronger Connections with Facebook Login
18:00 Happy Hour
19:00 After Party

今回、RouteXの代表はVIPやPressよりも前方にあり、最前列であるInfluencersの席に招待されました。このInfluencersの席はFacebook関係者が主に座る場所になっており、Facebook Developer Circlesの各都市のリーダーやFacebookの社員の方々が招待されています。




“Why we build? We build because we see potential, because we see problems, because we want to see what happens next. We build because we’re changing the worlds, and that can’t be taken lightly, because the opportunity to change things for the better comes with the risk of making it worse.

We build because the slasher was hard. We saw what happens when things go wrong. And learned how important it is to get it right. We build because the most difficult problem requires us to solve them together. Because together, where progress can happen, where support is found, where we understand over through and fall in loves.

Because together, the world work better. That’s why we keep building, because this journey is still one percent finished.”
Facebook 創業者マーク・ザッカーバーグが登場します!!!

Mark Zuckerberg Facebook CEO & Founder
「F8 2018 Mark Zuckerberg Facebook CEO Keynote」
“Everyone! Hey! Welcome to F8! This is been in a tense year! I can’t believe only 4 months in!
Before we get started, I just want to take a moment to say how much meaningful staffs are here with us today. Now I know it hasn’t been easy for being developers last couple of months. And that’s probably understatement.
But, what I can show you is that how it works, making sure that people don’t misuse this platform. And you can keep building things that people love. And today, I’m happy to share reopening app reviews and you can all keep moving forward.
Now looking out, I saw a lot of people we worked for a long time here. A lot of people who travel to be here from all around the world. A lot of you are building great tools that help people connected in a new way. I actually want to take a moment to thank each evreyone of you all the people helping the world closer together. Thank you so much.
Now, we are all here because we are optimistic about the future. We have real challenges to address. But we have to keep that sense of optimism, too. What I learned this year is that we need to take a broader view of our responsibility. It’s not enough just building powerful tools. We need to make sure that they are used for good, and we will. We are idealistic, and we’ve always focused on all the good that connecting people can bring. There is a lot of it.
Just since the last F8, We’ve seen 2 movement that are the march of our lives on Facebook. We’ve seen people come together after hurrikein, hardly to raise more than 20 million dollars for relieves. And we’ve seen 80 million small businesses use these tools to grow and create jobs. But we’ve also seen people try to use these tools for harm. That goes for Russia interfering the elections, for fake news, for hate speech and for Data Private issues.
So, we are investing a lot to address these issues and keep people safe. I’m going to do all of that and head on minute, because I think it’s important that everyone here exactly knows what we’re doing to address them. But we also have responsibility to move forward in everything else that our community expect for us, too. To keep building services that helps us connecting in a meaningful new way as well.
前回のF8以降、#MeToo運動やMarch for Our Livesの一部の活動がFacebookを使って組織されました。ハリケーンハービーの後、義援金が2千万ドル以上集められました。8千万以上の中小企業がこのようなツールを使って成長し雇用を創出しています。一方、ツールを悪用しようとする人も出てきました。ロシアによる選挙への干渉、フェイクニュースやヘイトスピーチ、データプライバシーの問題です。これらの問題に対応し利用者の安全を守るため多くの投資をしています。これらの私たちの取り組みをきちんとご理解いただくために、少し時間をとってご説明します。一方で、コミュニティが私たちに期待している他のすべてのことも前進させていく責任があります。新しい方法で人々をつなぐサービスを構築し続ける責任もあるのです。
And you know, the hardest decision that I made this year wasn’t to invest so much in safety and security. That decision was easy. You know, just run to people who are running those team, and ask them how much we can possibly invest productively, and just translate it to all the people. The hard part was to figure out a way to move forward and everything else that we need to do, too.
Recently I was having conversation about what Facebook stands for? What is that basic idea that the world will lose if Facebook run away? When I was getting started Facebook back to 2004, what struck me was that you can go online and, that time, find almost anything. You can look up for any information, and you can find any product, you can read news, and you can download movies and music. You can find almost anything except for the thing that matter to us most; people. So, I started building a service to do that, to put people first at the center of our experience with technology, because our relationships are what matters most to us. And that’s what we find in our meaning and how we make sense of our places in the world. And we are not the only ones that build the communication service, but we are the ones who do it again and again and all of the different ways on which people can interact online, and this is our DNA, and we have built grown service after service that put people at our connections and our relationships of the center experience. And we’ve come a long way, and when I look out today, it really surprises me how little of technology that our industries produce is designed to put people first. Our phone is designed for apps. That’s not how we think. I believe that we need to design technologies to help bring people closer together, and I believe that’s not going to happen on its own. So to do that, part of the solution, and just part of it, is that one day, more of our technology is going to need to be focused on people and our relationships.
Now, there is no guarantee right. This is hard stuff. We will make mistakes, there will be consequences, and we will need to fix them. But what I can guarantee is that if we don’t work on this, the world isn’t moving in this direction by itself. So, that is why we are all here to do. And that is what I want to talk about today. I want to start by talking about keeping people safe, and we’re going to discuss about all we can do to keep building services to help us connecting in meaningful new ways. And I want to start today, that protecting something that is really incredibly important for all of us; The Integrity of our Election.
In 2016, we were slow to identify Russian interference. We expected more traditional cyber attacks like fishing and mower and hacking, and we identified those people, but we didn’t expect these coordinated information operations, and large networks of Fake account that is now we aware of. So, sat with our teams, and we said, “We will never be unprepared for this again.”
Since then, there have been important elections like the French president elections, Germany elections, and the Alabama special election last year, and we’ve been more prepared. We deployed new AI tools, that successfully identified and took down 10,000 of fake accounts before we can do anything. We’ve traced the fake account network back to Russia, taking down the network. We’re doing more. We are requiring everyone running political adds and issues for large pages to be verified whether the Government ID. We’re making adds more transparent to see who is running political adds, who is the target and how much they’re spending, and most importantly, what other messages they’re sending to other people. That is higher standard of transparency than TV adds, than Print adds or anything else you will find on the Internet.
By the end of this year, we will have 20,000 people working on security and content review on Facebook. And we’ve created an independent election research commission, so that gives us ideas, and hold us accountable to make sure of these system work. And this is important in election year, and not only the big US election coming up a year, but also major election around the world, Mexico, Brasil , India, Pakkistan, and more, and we are focused on this.
Beyond the elections, we are focused on Fighting Fake News more broadly. There are 3 categories that are focused on here. First category is just Spam. These people are who illogical, and they just want to make money, and hacking most sensational junk to come up with getting you to click on it. These are the people, in 1990s, who send Viagra emails. And the play book here is pretty simple. Right, just to take down their adds, and on their sites they can’t make money, build tools to protect and reduce distribution to remove economic incentive, and eventually, they go something else to make money. And you know you are starting to see this. Second category is fake account. And idea here is less focused on looking at the content, specifically more focused on trying to find bad actors, getting them of our network.
Someone’s nation state who are politically motivated, like we talked about before, but all of this is fighting in the same way, with AI tools, with 1000 of content reviewers, and with unverified people who are running large pages and running sensitive adds. Third category is real people who are just sharing provably false hoaxes. And the playbook here is building tools to get better at flaging content that is going virul, Fact checker can look at it, and we can show it less. And for the people who do see to make sure they see article more accurate, and put some contacts, and understand what is really going on. So, a lot of work adjusting last years in the half was bringing on more and more fact checking partners all around the world, different countries, and speak all the different languages that are needed to cover. These are the basic categories. We’ve been making a big progress on all of them.
I also want to talk about Data Privacy. What happened with Kenbridge Analytica was a major breach of trust. Acting on developers, took the data and share, and they sold it! So, we need to make sure this never happens again. So, we are taking number of steps here. First, as you all know, we’re restricting the data that developers will request for people. Good news is that, back in 2014, we already made a major change to have the platform works to prevent people from sharing friends’ information. So, this specific situation could not happen again today. And since then, we’ve been taking a lot more steps as well to restrict others’ data. But still more steps we are taking to do this even group and event and data available and through log in to prevent future issues to come up.
Second, we need to make sure to find any other bad apps out there. We are currently in the process investing in every single app that has access to large amount of people’s information before making big changes 2014, and find something suspicious, we are going to bring independent editors to do for it. If any data was misused, ban them to developer, and tell anyone who’s data are effective. Choose all the apps that they are using, remove access of apps they don’t want be used. And the GDPR coming up and asking you, everyone around the world not just in Europe to review your privacy controls. So, to all the developers who are here, I know that the vast majority of you are focused on building good things. We need to take these steps to make sure that everyone on platform is focused on building good things. I believe that putting in these stronger protections now will give you more ability to keep building for the long term.Now, I also want to share about one new thing that we are working on Data Privacy. We have a lot of updates coming soon, and this is a kind of example we are working on. In your web brouser, you today have a simple way to clear cookies and clear brousing history. The idea is that all sites need data to work, you should have the ability to clear history if you want. So, we are working on the version of this on Facebook, too. Simple control, you can clear your history, and so on. We are going to call it “Clear History.”
And we are starting with something that a lot of people ask us about recently. Information we get from website and apps are used by who are using facebook advertisement and analytics tools.
Now, to be clear, when you clear your cookies in the blouse, you can make parts of your experience worse. Sign back into dozens of websites, and figure something, and the same is here. Our facebook aren’t quite is good for your prefferences, but after going through our systems, this is the content control we think the people shoud have. So, we are building this. And we are going to have more talk about this soon.
So over all, we are going to keep investing heavily in security and privacy. But security isn’t problem that you fully selves. This is observise. And we are going to stay ahead for adversaries forever. So, while we’re doing this, we also have responsibility to keep building services that bring people together in new ways. Now, you’ve been to F8 to have been seen this before. This is our 10 years product map.
Across our products, our goal is to give everyone in the world
When we expect these Ecosystem to be fully developed
Everyone in the world the power to share anything they want with anyone anywhere.
We have a lot to do here. So we are going to focus on keep building and keeping people safe. And we are going to talk about rest of family apps, rest of today.

So, let’s start about Facebook app. Like all of you, we want to build not just only fun to use but also good for people. So we got a lot of research to understand what parts of internet and social media is good for our being and which parts aren’t. And the summary, when you use internet to interact and build relations with people, it is associated with all of the part of aspect of well-being, like better long term of health, better long term of happiness, and feeling more connected, feeling less lonely, and so on. But, when you just using internet for consume content passively, like videos or news, then that is not associated to same benefits for all being. People want Facebook because of interacting with people.We are going to do that, and talk about new ways to take in experience.

We call it “Watch Party”, lets watch video with chat with your friends. Let’s say that, your friend is testifying on congress, for example! Now you can bring to yourself and laugh together, and you can cry together. Some of my friends actually did this! Let’s do it together anytime soon. People often tell us the groups are most meaningful part of Facebook, and you can feel like belong to community, and share your value, and get support from your friends when you get disease.People want to belong to one of the meaningful communities. So today, we are launching new groups tab to make groups more central, to the overall Facebook experience.
Watch Partyを導入します。これは、動画を見ながら友達にシェアできる機能です。たとえば、あなたの友達が公聴会で証言しています。「たとえば」ですが、友達を連れてきて皆で一緒に笑ったり、泣いたりできます。私の友達にこれを実際にやった人がいます。しばらくこんなことはやらないようにしましょう。人々はよく私たちにこう言います。「Facebookで一番意義深い機能はグループだ。」コミュニティに属していると感じたり、同じ価値観を持つ新しい人と出会ったりできます。ある人にとって、新しく親になる人のサポートグループだったり、別の人にとっては、同じ病気を持つ人のグループだったり、またある人には一緒にボランティア活動ができる人を見つけるグループだったりします。有意義なコミュニティに所属したいのです。そこで今日は、新しいグループタブを発表します。グループがFacebookの体験全体の中心となるようにしました。

So, for me, I have some groups, like my family group, my running group, my game group, and dog appreciation group. To help more people grow their communities, we are building a join group button, and plug in that admins or website and their emails. And this is important because we need to do more help for meaningful groups, just give more tools to creators. Every good community has engaged leaders, and so, a lot of us need to give more people the tools to be community leaders.
Now, talking about meaningful relationships, did you know that 1 in 3 marriages in United States start online?
I can’t tell you how many times on the street get the couple come up to me, and send them Facebook messages and kids point them and say, “thank you”. I have to say these are some of the moment I’m really proud of what we are doing. But you know, the reality is, today, features that help people find partners. 200 million people on Facebook list them as single. So, include something to do here, and more focused on helping people building relationships is perhaps most meaningful of all. So today, we are announcing a new set of features coming soon around Dating! And this is going to be for building real long term relationships. And not just as took apps. It’s going to be facebook apps totally optional, optim, if you want you can making your dating profile. And I know you have question about this, and I’ll clear the design.
I can’t promiss that you get an email. It’s the tough world. All right, Crist Cax will walk through this and talk about more details.
Another way to help people connected in a new way is Commerce. We start building marketplace, like buy and sell groups. Buy and sell things people have something common with . Marketplace is now alive in more than 70 countries, and more than 800 million people around the world uses monthly. Including more than 1 in 3 people on Facebook in the US. So, this is starting with a pretty big deal. And it help more and more people come and connected in a new way. All right, this is Facebook, focused on helping people build relationships with friends and family, groups and meeting interacting with new people.
これは数えきれないほど起こることですが、私が街を歩いていると夫婦が近づいてきて「出会いはFacebookだった」と言うんです。時にはお子さんたちもいて、子供たちが「ありがとう」というのです。こうした瞬間が私たちのやっていることを誇りに思う瞬間です。私たちはポジティブな違いを人々の生活にもたらしています。しかし、実際にはまだ、パートナーを見つけるための機能を作っていませんでした。Facebookでは2億人の人が独身だと言っています。明らかに何かやるべきことがあります。もし私たちが有意義な関係を築けるように助けるなら、たぶんそれは最も有意義な仕事でしょう。今日、新しい機能を発表します。それは、デート機能です。この機能は、長期的な関係を築くためで遊び相手を探すものではありません。Facebookアプリに組み込まれ、完全にオプション、オプトインになります。望むならデートのためのプロフィールを作れます。これについては、いろいろ聞きたいことがあるでしょう。これを設計するときにプライバシーと安全を最初から考慮しました。友達があなたのプロフィールを見ることはありません。おすすめされるのは、(残り13:14)友達でない人でデート機能をオプトインしていて、あなたの好みに合う人です。ただし、あなたがImeと付き合えるかは約束できません。厳しい世界です。Chris Coxが間もなく登場し、詳しく説明します。私が明確にしたいことは、この機能は細かな点まで、プライバシーと安全を考慮して作られているということです。しかし最も大事なこととして私たちはFacebookを有意義な人間関係を始められる場所にしたいのです。だから私たちはこの機能を発表できてとてもうれしく思います。もう一つの人々がつながる新しい方法は経済活動です。Marketplaceの開発を始めたのは、グループの最も多い使われ方が「売買」だからです。「ベイエリアのママのための売買」のようなグループがあり、人々が集まって必要なもののアドバイスを求めたり、同じような人に会い、最終的には共通点のある人たちで、ものを売買するのです。Marketplaceは現在70ヵ国以上で提供されています。世界中の8億を超える人々が毎月利用しています。アメリカのFacebookでは、3人に1人を超える人が使っています。かなり重要な機能になってきています。収入を増やしたり、新しい方法でつながるのに役立っています。これがFacebookです。私たちがフォーカスしているのは、友達や家族と関係を築き、グループでの関係を築き、新しい人と交流できるよう、サポートすることです。

Let’s talk about Instagram. So, our focus here is to help people share capture any moment, and come to share Interest. Some of the best story here is air hack community, and Instagram, and more than 200 million people uses this. Since we loanched the Hash Tag just last December, more than 100 of million people use Hash Tag, and we want to make it easier to find community about things you are interested in.
So, we are loanching completely new designed for explore, going to organize topic channel now. Now your explore is going to be even more focused on the things you interested in. We also focused on new ways that people use Instagram to communicate and build strong relationships. So turns out a lot of people use live video, basically just a hang out, you can’t be physically together. We can’t phisically be there. We’re announcing about Video Chat and Instagram, you get it just by tapping new camera icon.You got the Video Chat one to one in the group. To minimize the video, chatting on Instagram. We also building more creative ways for people to share in Instagram. And last year in F8, we announced about AR Camera Effects Platform, and today we’ll bring it to Instagram. So now, anyone can use face filters, effects relevant to you. Accounts you follow, brousing stories, and you see cool effect.
まったく新しいデザインのExploreを発表します。コンテンツの表示が、トピックチャネルに基づくようになります。Exploreがあなたの関心があることをもっと表示するようになるのです。また、人々が新しい方法でInstagramを使ってコミュニケーションやもっと強い関係を築けるよう取り組んでいます。多くの人がライブビデオを使って物理的に一緒にいられないときに楽しんでいることがわかりました。ソーシャルツールは、物理的に一緒にいられない相手が、まるでそこにいるような気持ちになるためだけに、使われていることがとても多いのです。今日はこれを簡単にするために、Instagramのビデオチャットを発表します。Directのスレッドの上にある新しいカメラのアイコンをタップして1対1またはグループで、ビデオチャットができます。チャット中やInstagramの使用中は、ビデオ画面を小さくできます。これはまさに画期的な機能で皆さんに喜んでいただけること間違いなしです。他にもクリエイティブな方法で、Instagramで共有できるようにしています。昨年のF8では、AR Camera Effects Platformを発表しました。そして今年はこれをInstagramにも導入します。今後は誰でもフェイスフェルターやエフェクトを作成できます。カメラを開くと関連のあるエフェクトやフォローしているアカウントのエフェクトが表示されます。ストーリーを見ているときに気に入ったエフェクトがあれば、いつでも試せます。早く皆さんにこの機能をお届けしたいです。

Now, let’s talk about Whatsapp. So, here, our focus is to build new ways for people to privately with close friends and groups and businesses. Now, before we’re diving to here, I just want to say yesterday, Yang Koon, the founder of Whatsapp, announced that he will leave and moving on, and I just want to thank to Yang because Yang made an amazing job building Whatsapp.
続いては、WhatsAppについてです。ここでフォーカスするのは新たな方法で、プライベートに親しい友人、グループ、ビジネスとつながることです。詳細に入る前にお話ししておきたいことがあります。昨日、WhatsAppの創業者であるJan Koumが退社することを発表しました。WhatsAppの開発に尽力してくれたJanに、この場を借りて感謝したいと思います。Janはプライバシー保護と暗号化の重要性を常に強く訴えてきました。ご存知ない方も多いかもしれませんが、2014年にWhatsAppがFacebookに加わった頃は、まだ完全なエンドツーエンド暗号化を展開していませんでした。Janと私は協力して、完全に暗号化された、世界で最も大規模な通信ネットワークを構築しました。これは、私が最も誇りに思っていることの1つであり、Janの協力がなければ、成し得なかったです。この場を借りて、Janの功績に心から感謝したいと思います。
Now video calling is also one of the popular features of Whatsapp already. Today we are announcing groupe video calling on Whatsapp, too. But Whatsapp has been biggest platform and more than 450 million people are using Whatsapp status everyday really quickly. So, next stage for Whatsapp is beyond just communicating with your family and friends, and helping people connected on businesses. And you know today, a lot of people don’t want to call on businesses, and just send message on text. That’s really big shift on communicating, and I think it is going to be a really big deal. More than 3 million people are already using whatsapp business, and growing very quickly. So now, next step is going to be large businesses tools for working on this now.
ビデオ通話は、すでに多くの方が利用しているWhatsAppの機能です。私が出張に出ていて、娘たちの寝かしつけができないとき、顔を見て話せるのはとてもいいです。皆さんもそう思われるでしょう。世界中の人が利用している音声とビデオ通話の時間はWhatsAppだけでも、20億分を超えます。そこで今日、グループビデオ通話が、WhatsAppに間もなく導入されることを発表します。ストーリーについて少し話したいのですが、系列会社全体で、1日の出来事を動画や写真ですぐにシェアできるフォーマットとしてストーリーを導入しています。アプリごとに異なる進化を遂げましたが、急速に成長しています。最初に火がついてのはInstagramでした。Facebookは始めはゆっくりでしたが、今は急速に成長しています。しかし、WhatsAppはこれらの中で最も凄いです。4億5千万人を超える人たちが毎日WhatsApp Statusを利用しています。そしてどんどん成長しています。WhatsAppが目指す次のステップは、友人や家族とのコミュニケーションにとどまらず、ビジネスともつながれるようにすることです。近頃、多くの人は、会社に電話をかけるのではなく、メッセージを送ってすませたがります。これは私たちのコミュニケーションのあり方の大きな変化であり、非常に重要な面になると考えています。今年のはじめにリリースしたのはWhatsApp Businessです。中小企業がプレゼンスをWhatsAppで確率し、メッセージ機能が使えるようになりました。ほんの数か月後に、WhatsApp Businessのユーザー数は300万人を超え、今も急速に増え続けています。次のステップとして、大企業向けのWhatsAppツールの提供に向けて取り組みを進めています。

For Messengers, we are focused on building a richer way for people to connected privately with family and business to. When you are messaging, you really want a simple and fast experience. So, we are taking this to completely redesign to focus on these ideas. Here’s what new Messenger is going to be look like. It’s clean and going to be fast, and David is going to come and talk about more detail for a little bit. I mentioned earlier that we’re bringing AR camera effects platform to Instagram, and we also bring this to the messenger platform as well. It’s going to be a really fun way, people use agmentability, for family and friends privately and real time. I don’t know you guys, but my daughters. When I call them traveling with these effect, and she said, “Look Mama! Dada has bunny, or an ouger!” We’re seeing good momentum for messenger business, too. With more than 300,000 Bots & Business, and people are sending 8 billion messages between businesses and people every month. Alright, that’s messengers
Meesengerについては、さらに色々な方法でプライベートに友達や家族、そしてビジネスとつながれるようにしていきます。メッセージを送るときはシンプルに、さっと送りたいものです。それで今、Messengerのデザインを一から作り直し、これらのアイデアを取り入れていきます。これが新しくなったMessengerです。画面も見やすく動作も速いです。Davidがあとから来て、詳細を話してくれるでしょう。先ほどAR Camera Effects PlatformをInstagramに導入する話をしましたが、Messengerにも導入します。人々が拡張機能を使って、家族や友人たちとプライベートにリアルタイムにつながる面白い手段となるでしょう。皆さんはどうかわかりませんが、私が出張中に娘たちに電話をすると、娘たちにとっては、こういうエフェクトが面白いようで、妻のPriscillaにMaxが「ママ見て!パパがうさぎになっているよ!」とか「オーグルになっているよ!」と言って喜びます。Messenger Businessも好調で、ボット数は30万を超え、ビジネスとユーザーの間で、やり取りされるメッセージ数は毎月80億件を超えています。Messengerについては、こんな感じです。

Now, let’s go beyond our apps, and talk about virtual reality in the future. So, our goal here is to create this real feeling of presence, like you’re right there with someone, Even half way around the world. You know this idea being physically feel like be there even you can’t physically be there.
But over the long term, virtual reality augmented to different level, like see someone’s face in a small screen, though actually want to feel like being there with someone. So, here is an example about how it compelled, and now you have some photos from your childhood home, we can use computer vision to fill in the gaps with effect, and recreate the rooms of your childhood home when grew up. So, you’re going to VR with your family, and visit, and feel like you’re right there, you are in the dream. It is wild. So, this work as mapping out spaces is just another important step to the path to creating this real feeling of presence.

Now, this is about Software, and you know we are building Hardware.
We ‘ve been preparing for Oculus Go, and big news I have to share today, is Oculus Go will be shipping today. Started in 199 dollars.
Headset, loaunching more than 1000 of apps, and it has the highest quality of lenses built in to VR Device. Oculus Go is going to be the easiest way to get in VR, and this is going to be a virtual reality experience for the first time. Everyone in F8 is getting Oculus Go to take own. Works about that, too.
そして、私たちはソフトウェアだけでなく、ハードウェアも開発しています。これまでOculus Goの発売に向けて準備を進めてきましたが、今日中は大事な報告があります。今日からOculus Goの出荷を開始します!販売価格は199ドルです。これは手ごろな値段を実現した初のスタンドアロン型VRヘッドセットで、1,000以上のアプリで使用でき、これまでにない最高品質のレンズと光学部品を搭載しています。Oculus Goは最も手軽に仮想現実の世界を楽しめるツールになることでしょう。ほとんどの人々がOculus Goを使って、生まれて初めて仮想現実とバーチャルプレゼンスを体験することになるでしょう。そして、ここにいる皆さんにも体験していただけるように、F8の参加者全員にOculus Goを差し上げます!(拍手喝采)

So, this is how we are thinking about our responsibility. To keep people safe, and also to keep building. We are here to build things that bring people together. And to keep people with their relationships at the center of experience of our technology. Because of all the challenges we face today, the vast majority what’s happening on services is people getting closer, even the time or distance getting away. We can do more people to this, whether its reaching out friends you lost touch her, group to belong to, or just sending your video to your sister of your kids. And the best part of your is on Facebook. It’s the relationships of you built to do together. That is what this is all about. So, if you believe, like I do, that giving people voice is important. That building relationships is important. That create essensive community is important, and that doing the hard work of trying to bring the world closer together is important. And I’ll say this, “We will keep building.” we need to keep this idea alive, and that is what we are all here at F8 to do together. So yes, this is an important moment. We need to do more about keeping people safe and, we will. But we also need to keep building and bring the world closer together. Thank you for coming out today. Thank you for everything you’re doing to bring the people together! Have a great F8!

Chris Cox Facebook Chief Product Officer

Facebookは災害発生時に自身が安全だったかどうかを友達等に知らせる機能を有していますが、今年はさらに詳細に災害の情報を現地から伝えるための機能 Crisis Responseをアップデートすると発表しました。
Crisis Response:(First Person Accounts)とは災害時に現地にいる人がいち早く道路の封鎖状況や損害状況を伝えるために特化した機能となっています。この機能によって、これまで以上に早く災害の状況をリアルタイムに知ることが出来、人々をより多く救う事が出来る事になります。

さらに注目だったのが、Blood Donations on Faceookという機能です。
という人と献血を求めている人をマッチングするための機能です。Facebookはこの機能を、このような医療的な部分のインフラがまだ未整備なインド、バンクラデッシュ、パキスタンで導入していく事を発表しました。これもFacebookが掲げるBuild Social Impactとまさに言える機能ではないでしょうか!

Jyoti Sood , Shilpa Sarkar Facebook Product Manager
Tamar Shapiro Facebook Data Science Manager Analytics
若者に人気のInsatagramからはVideo ChatとNew Exploreの主に2つについての発表がありました!Instagramの雰囲気にあった3人の女性から、それぞれの機能についての詳細が触れられていました。どれも、これまで以上にInstagramでの交流を活発にする事を促す機能になっており、さらなる利用者増加が期待出来ます!

さらにスペシャルゲストとして、大人気のインスタグラマーの子犬も登場し、会場を盛り上げていました! 本物かと疑うほど、大人しくてかわいい子犬です!

Mubarik Imam Facebook WhatsApp Director

David Marcus Facebook VP of Messaging Producs
FacebookはAI開発についてもかなりのリソースを投入しており、Facebookが掲げるMission「Bring the world closer together」を達成するために言語の壁を取り払う事にも力を注いでいます。そしてAIの技術を利用して、翻訳機能が大幅に改善したという発表がありました!


Ime Archibong Facebook VP Product Partnerships
そして、VP プロダクトマネージャーのイーメ・アーティボーンからはFacebookのコミュニティ支援の実績と今後の展望についての発表がありました。

そして、最も注目されていたのが、昨年の「F8 2017」で正式にローンチされたDeveloper Circlesについての発表です。今年の「F8」には世界中のDeveloper Circleのリーダーを集っていたため、Developer Circleの発表がされた瞬間にとても盛り上がっていました!!
Developer Circlesは昨年ローンチされてから、これまでに100都市以上で既に展開され、各都市でのエンジニアのコミュニティ形成に大きく貢献してきました。各都市のDeveloper Circleが次のイノベーションを起こすようなプロダクト開発や最先端技術についてのディスカッションを繰り返す事によって、世界中のエンジニアのレベルアップと情報の非対称性を埋める事が出来ています!!
そして、「F8 2018」のKeynoteにしっかりとDeveloper Circle Osakaがマップ上に表示されています!!!
Developer Circle Osakaについてはこちら

Hugo Barra Facebook VP of VR
今年の「F8」参加者は全員、Oculus Goをもらえるという事もあり、Oculusの機能紹介についてはとても注目が集まっています!!

今年の「F8」で発表のあったOculus Goはこれまで以上に装着感が良く、さらに最先端技術を搭載されているようです!
実際にOculus Goの体験も「F8」会場で出来ますし、実機をもらえるのでこれは参加者の人々は帰宅後すぐにハマってしまいますね!
実際にOculus Goをもらったので、レビューも今後行いたいと思います!!

Rachel Franklin Head of Social VR
そして、今年の「F8」Keynoteの最後の登壇者はSocial VRの代表であるレイチェルからでした。
最後は「Let’s keep building together 」の言葉でDay 1 Keynoteは締めくくられました。

このFestival Hallでは中心の開放的なブースを囲む様に、今回のF8で発表のあったプロダクトのブースが設置されています。


さらに、表示された立体マップの中に3ヶ所場所が示されており、その場所でさらにARカメラを使うとメッセージが表示され、その画像を3ヶ所とも集めると10$分のAmazonカード or

Festival Hallの一角にはDeveloper Garageというブースがあり、Facebookのエンジニア等に実際に様々な相談をする事が出来ます。
特に人気だったのはFacebookが提供するReactやReact Native等のプログラミング言語でした。ステッカーも大人気で、みなさん自分のパソコンにステッカーを張っていました。



こちらはDeveloper ProgramsというFacebookが全面サポートするFbStart というスタートアップ支援のプログラムとDeveloper Circleというエンジニアのコミュニティ形成プログラムのブースになります。今回RouteXの代表はDeveloper Circle Osakaと日本代表という事で招待をいただきました。(現在、Facebook Developer Circleは日本では大阪のみ)
実際、Developer Circleによって世界100都市以上にエンジニアのコミュニティが誕生し、そこから様々なイノベーションが起こっています!
また、世界各都市のDeveloper Circleの代表であるLeadが密に連絡を取り合い、コラボレーションをする事が出来るようにコミュニティの設計がされており、国境を超えたイノベーションの促進が起こっています!

こちらは若い世代にとても人気なInstagramのAR機能を使ったデモを見る事が出来るブースになっています。AR StudioのようにARの開発者ツールもFacebookは提供しており、Facebookがサービスと開発者ツール、プラットフォームを提供する事によって様々な分野のエンジニアがプロダクト開発を進める事が出来るようになっています。

ここでDeveloper CircleのJakartaのLeadが登壇し、Facebook Developer Circleがどのようにして地域のエンジニアコミュニティを牽引しているのかの紹介がされていました。
JakartaのDeveloper Circleの登録者は4000人以上と非常に多く、JakartaにおいてFacebook Developer Circleが担っている役割の大きさが伺えます。
Developer Circle JakartaとOsakaのコラボレーションも今後行っていきたいですね!!

「F8 2018」はマーク・ザッカーバーグのKeynoteから始まり、数多くのセッションを終え、
最後はAfter Partyが開催されました!
After Party会場ではDJとラッパーがパフォーマンスを行い、かなり豪華なクラブのようになっています。みんな思い思いにダンスを踊ったり、談笑したりとかなり盛り上がっていました。
パーティーは最後までとても盛り上がり、最高潮に達した瞬間に「F8 2018」Day 1は終了しました!!

Image Credit : Facebook
「F8 2018 Day 2 Schedule」
8:00 Regisration
10:00 Keynote
11:30 Duckling: An Overview of the Open Source Probabilistic Parser
12:00 The Impact of VR in Nigeria
The Social Impact of AI
Oculus Creator Perspectives
Immersive Content Beyond the Headset
Building Together: Platform Strategy Overview
Building Better Messenger Experiences With the Handover Protocol
Build Stronger Connections with Facebook Login
12:25 Best Practices for Messenger Bot Submission
12:30 Partner Panel: How to Grow Your Business with Facebook
Beyond Lip Service: How You Can Help Educate Underrepresented CS Students
DesIGN: Design Inspiration from Generative Networks
Using Natural Language Processing to Enhance Your Messenger Conversations
12:50 Build Your First Messenger Instant Game
13:00 Partner Panel: Building for Facebook’s AR Platform
How React Native Helps Companies Build Better Mobile Apps
App Upgrades in Emerging Markets
Build Great Experiences on Messenger
Breaking Down Language Barriers with AI
13:25 Enhancing Customer Experience with Messenger Web Plugins
13:30 Partner Spotlight: Leveraging the On-Demand Economy in LATAM
Investing in the Future of the Cybersecurity Workforce
AI for Accessing Visual Content via Natural Language
13:55 Creating Flagship AR Experiences
14:00 Design for Trust, Transparency and Control: The Design Jam Toolkit
Mythbusting Usability Research
PyTorch A New Research-Focused, Production-Ready,Deep Learning Framework Building with React Native and React VR: Insights from Instagram and Oculus
Lessons from the Frontier of Social VR
Content Understanding at Facebook
14:20 A Sneak Peek at Building Camera Effects for Messenger
14:30 Creative User Research Methods for Startups
14:35 Developing a Global Customer Service Platform From Sub Saharan Africa
14:50 How Camera Effects Helped Us to Grow Our Business
15:00 How to Facilitate Cross-Cultural Understanding in User Research
ONNX: Creating A More Open AI Ecosystem
Certificate Transparency: Detecting Malicious Certificates and Phishing Attacks
Startups Rethinking Privacy: Lessons from Facebook’s First Tech Hub
Audio and Speech Understanding Systems
15:05 How Emerging Markets are Leapfrogging Apps by Building Great User Experiences
15:25 Design Jam Toolkit Exercise: Data Use Notices
15:30 Investing in Innovators Through Developer Programs
How the Sharing Economy Developed in China and Beyond
Updates on Facebook App Ads
16:00 Facebook Business SDK: Technical Deep Dive
Happy Hour

Mike Schroepfer Chief Technology Officer
「F8 2018」Day 2 はFacebook CTOのマイクからAIに関する発表から幕を開けました!!

Facebookは他のシリコンバレーのGoogleやAppleと同じ様に、AIの技術に対しても多くのリソースを投入しています。 AIの技術を利用することによって、様々な予測や物の最適配置、マッチング、AR/VR技術への応用等が出来るという発表がされました。

Isabel Kloumann Search Scientist
Day 2のKeynoteも多くのFacebookのリーダーが登壇しましたが、Day 2は主にAIに関するKeynoteが中心となっています。サーチサイエンティストのイザベルからもAI技術に関する今後の展望についての話が多くありました。

今年の「F8 2018」は本当に盛り上がりました!!
マーク・ザッカーバーグからはケンブリッジアナリティカの問題に対する対策やFacebookの新機能であるDatingやOculus Goのリリース、AIやVR/ARに関する最先端テクノロジーの発表など、どれも世界中の注目を集める話題だったように感じます!
「F8 2018」の全てのイベント終了後はHappy HourとAfter Partyで参加者の方々と今年の「F8」についての感想やお互いの今後について情報交換等をしました。
今回、RouteXはDeveloper Circle Leadとして参加させてもらった「F8」でしたが、世界中のDeveloper Circleが同時期に開催するF8 Meetupによって、「F8 2018」の詳細なフィードバックと共有を行います!!!
Facebook Developer Circle OsakaのF8 Meetupは5月12日 大阪イノベーションハブにて開催予定です!!!