Sponsored by the Russian Embassy
Japan-Russia Startup Meetup
Startups with innovative business models and technologies are springing up all over the world.
Russia, in particular, has an abundance of science and math talent and active state support policies.
Let’s Join us if the below profile describes you:
– People interested in business in Russia and Japan
– Startups and large companies considering expanding their business to Russia
– Professions related to start-up innovation
– People interested in building a state-led ecosystem
Startup/Innovation frontier?

Point of View 1
The Rapidly Developing Russian Economy
Russia is the world’s largest country, stretching from Europe to Asia, and is rich in natural resources such as oil and natural gas, but its economy has been stagnant while it occupies one of the BRICs countries and is regarded as the next great economic power.
In recent years, however, there has been aggressive investments in state-driven startups, with the goal of becoming a technology powerhouse that leverages the wealth of science and math talent.Sergey Brin, founder of Google, and Vitalik Buterin, inventor of one of the most prominent cryptcurrency, Ethereum, are known as Russian-rooted famous entrepreneur/engineer.

Point of View 2Moscow State University Science Park
Russia’s startup scene is mainly centered on the capital city of Moscow. A lot of tech companies such as Yandex and VKontakte, “Russian version of GAFA”, have sprung up in the Russian startup ecosystem.
In addition, Moscow State University, the most prestigious university in Russia, established the Moscow State University Science Park, with the aim of founding startups based on the ideas of Moscow University researchers and students. Taking advantage of the world-wide network of Moscow State University graduates, startups in a wide range of fields such as oil and gas, high-tech, telecom and IT, biotech and new materials continue to be founded.
September 16th 2020 19:00~21:00
Online(Zoom, Youtube)
Start & Introduction
Startup Pitch
Meetup & Business Meeting

Takayuki Omori
RouteX Inc. CEO
海外渡航歴60カ国、学生時代にシリコンバレー、イスラエル、ロシア等でのインターンや調査を経験。海外のスタートアップ・エコシステムのリサーチを専門とし、世界中のスタートアップのビジネスモデルやテクノロジーの分析を行なっている。ロシアや旧ソ連地域が得意。シリコンバレーで毎年開催されるFacebookの最も重要なカンファレンス「F8」にて2019年度は日本人で唯一「F8 Hackathon」に参加。シリコンバレー発の世界最大のエンジニアとスタートアップのコミュニティFacebook Developer CirclesとAngelHackの日本運営代表を務めている。

Ko Matsuhiro
株式会社VLEAPにてCSO (Strategy)を務める。早稲田大学大学院創造理工学研究科出身、修士(工学)。現在、同大学院博士後期課程に在学し、ロボットに関する研究を行う。大学学部時代に1年間休学し、米国・ニューヨーク州のBerkeley Collegeに留学しMarketing Communicationを専攻。大学院在学中にVRと出会い、3つのベンチャー企業設立を経験。文科省イスラエル武者修行プログラム第一期選抜生。VRは日常を非日常へ切り替え、生活を彩る夢のような技術だと確信している。半歩先の未来を創ることをビジョンとし活動している。

Igor Voroshilov
LikePay CEO
From Russia. While studying at the University of Tokyo as an international student, he founded LikePay Inc. in August 2018. He and his team just launched new services, evalut.me.

Masahiro Tsukao
RouteX Inc. COO
世界最大のテックイベント・TechCrunch DisruptSF 2019の現地調査を敢行。現地にて世界最先端を身をもって感じた一方、日本と世界との情報の非対称性を痛感し、世界のイノベーションを追随したいとの思いからRouteXへのジョインを決めた。前職では日産自動車株式会社にて機械設計エンジニアとして、ハイブリッド車のバッテリ開発・プロジェクト推進業務に従事。京都大学大学院工学研究科修了(化学)

Ivan Afanasov
From Russia. Graduated from the faculty of chemistry of Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU). founded companies NAPOLY LLC and EFTEK LLC which supply medical products on international markets.

Denis Zakharkin
VR Concept
From Russia. CEO and founder of VR Concept. He has been working in the field of VR technology for over 10 years. Vast experience in working with large companies from industry, construction, and education.

Alexander Shadymov
From Russia. Live in China. For more than 10 years, he has been working for Lumex, a leading Russian developer and manufacturer in the field of analytical instrumentation. The founder of a biotech start-up.